Friday, July 20, 2012

How to make a "Rakhi" for rakhi making competitions in schools

Hello everyone,
   I have come up with another, I would rather say, "half tutorial" on making rakhi / rakhee for the competitions held in various kids schools across the country.However you can use the tutorial in making hair clips or rings also....:)

Material required -
- Beaded Lace (6 inches).If you can't find it you can use ribbon or ordinary lace as well
- Matching thread and a needle
- Fabric roses or stones for decorating the center
- Piece of ribbon
- Glue

Skills Required -
If someone can handle the needle she/he can do it..........(Which essentially means NOT FOR LITTLE KIDS)

Time Required -
30 mins

Method -
1- Start by doing a running stitch across the length of your lace as shown.

Rakhi making steps
2 - Next pull the two ends of the thread in opposite directions so that pleats are formed in the lace.
Rakhi making - pulling the threads
3 - Then bring the two ends together tie a knot(on the wrong side of the lace) so that you have something that looks like this.If you want add a few stitches to join the two ends completely.
Rakhi making - Tying a knot
4 - Turn it over and your base is ready.......
Rakhi making centerpiece is ready
5- At this point it's your choice.Put a big stone in the middle,or a fabric rose,or some button or ganpati from some old wedding card.It is up to you.I chose to put a fabric rose.These are readily available in craft stores.However, if you want to make your own there are a lot of video tutorial available on the net.Just search for "fabric ribbon rose" on you tube.I made my own.I used a blue and a white piece of ribbon to give it a double then finally glue a ribbon on the back side and your pretty little rakhi is ready ...........:)

Handmade Rakhi for school competitions

For very small kids,as a mum,you can follow the above steps and provide the semi prepared material(piece of ribbon,rose,lace circle as explained above) to the kid,so that she/he just has to glue it down and a rakhi is ready.I am working on some more versions of this and hopefully will add them soon.

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P.S.  You can find instructions to another,probably easier version if you are not interested in making the flower by clicking here.

Another version of rakhi for school competition

I have added yet another super easy version for little kids who can handle glue and beads and not the needle, in another post.You can find it HERE.It has several ideas.

Hope it helped.You can leave a comment below for any confusions or questions.

Until next time,
Spread some smiles......
^ , ^